Horses, races and more

Expect the unexpected in Lazar Equestrian Park
Are you really hungry for adventures? Visit the Lázár Equestrian Park and choose a couple of its rich program selection. Would you try cart riding? Or hot air ballooning? Or watch an archery show in period costumes, and even try your archery skill too?
You can do all of them, but do not rush that forward! First let me introduce the owners of the Park:

The Lazar Brothers

who are both professional coach drivers. The word “professional” has here a true meaning: Vilmos and Zoltán Lázár have 13 World Championship gold medals and many other from other competitions! Look at this table about the World Pairs Championships:
Source: Wikipedia
You hardly find a year without the winning name: Lazar!
They are now real businnesmen, owning and leading not only the Lazar Equestrian Park but also the CBA Supermarkt chain, one of the biggest in Hungary.

The Park

A 9-hectare picturesque destination is largely in a nature conservation area. It’s only 35 km far from Budapest. The surrounding is beauteos and you can visit:
The Hall of the World Champions with all the medals, presentation vases, cups, horse statues, and coaches…

The Farmyard with the traditional hungarian farm animals like the grey cattle, the mangalica pig, the racka sheep and the dog „puli” and so on…

The Farmyard with the traditional hungarian farm animals like the grey cattle, the mangalica pig, the racka sheep and the dog „puli” and so on…

The Stables, the home of more than 90 horses, partly Lipizzan racehorses, who helped the Lazars to win the Championshifts…

…but I am sure you want more excitement… for example, riding! It is unfortunetaly not possible here, but for you – and with us – this is not the case. Riding a racehorse is not easy, but if you are brave enough, have a try 🙂
How about cart riding? You can even compete with your friends, each one of you can have an own cart… (accompanied by a pro, who care of you). But ok, they are “traditional” programs you can count in an equestrian park like this.
But what about driving a crawler tank? Try the 10-seater armored MT-LBu, an amphibious army vehicle on the specially constructed military course!

Or take a ride with four-wheel quads in the hilly terrain round the Domony Valley or in a specially constructed obstacle course?

Or take a ride with four-wheel quads in the hilly terrain round the Domony Valley or in a specially constructed obstacle course?

Or would you prefer to leave the ground and fly with your friends on a hot air balloon?

All of these and others are also possible, like:

  • Knight Tournament, Western riding, rodeo, Hussars’, caroussel
  • Archery show of the Némethy brothers. The history of the development of the bow is introduced with the help of archers dressed in period costumes. At the end guests can try their archery skills.
  • You can travel by steam locomotive and arrive at the station in the wood next to the Equestarian Park where coaches are waiting to bring you to the Lodges.
  • Airboard – an intriguing one-man airborne device, which allows you to float 10cm above the ground as you steer by changing your weight.
  • Segway, robstep, monster roller
  • Airsoft or classic laser tag war, strategic laser tag war with GPS
  • Bobcat tractor race: a skills competition, where teams compete on closed-off, parallel courses etc.

And after you tried a couple of these you can eat in one of the lodges the traditional hungarian cuisine like that:

Let us organise your visit in Lazar Equestrian Park! It’s easy: put it in your wishlist and we will contact you for the details.